GPS Tracking Systems Help Law Enforcement

With law enforcement and police agencies across the world struggling with budgetary constraints and cut-backs, apprehending criminals and improving internal investigative work can seem impossible. GPS tracking systems provide financially responsible or monetarily challenged law enforcement agencies and police departments the ability to sustain budget cuts without effecting officer effectiveness or performance. GPS tracking devices help assist law enforcement by:

  1. Allowing law enforcement to monitor a suspected drug-trafficker, arsonist, child molester, or any potential criminal suspect 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Giving law enforcement departments the ability to audit or monitor potentially under-performing employees.
  2. Providing a unique and accurate way for officers to easily track vehicle maintenance records and mileage driven.

Tracking a suspect no longer requires an officer to spend months out on stake-outs or patrolling duties. GPS tracking systems always place a criminal or suspect within the long reach of the law as their driving and travel history can be recorded, stored, or viewed in real-time live! GPS tracking devices are now built and engineered to be compact, covert, and durable. The GPS trackers can ensure a suspect, criminal, or evidence is accurately and successfully monitored, helping law enforcement agencies compile evidence for an arrest.

Philadelphia Police GPS Track Bank Robber

Police agencies are no strangers to the advantages that GPS tracking and monitoring tools can provide in the battle on crime, and after a bank robbery occurred in a PNC Bank in Philadelphia that notion was reinforced again. After a man walked into a local Philadelphia PNC Bank branch, he spoke with a bank teller and then handed the bank employee a note that said he wanted her to hand over a bag of cash. Not wanting to escalate the situation, the bank teller placed a bunch of cash into a bag and handed the money to the bank robber. However, the quick-thinking bank teller also placed a GPS tracking system in the bag, allowing police to follow the cash in real-time. After the bank robber walked out of the bank and fled the scene in a taxi cab, the police officers arriving at the scene of the crime were informed of the GPS tracker that was placed in the bait money. Once the law enforcement team accessed the GPS tracking data they were able to quickly find and arrest the man. The police arrested the bank robber in Center City around noon without any protest or incident, according to a statement released by the police.