GPS Teen Tracking

When a teen gets his or her license most parents have additional anxiety. With the number one killer of teens being car-related driving accidents, and 16-25 year old drivers being the number one age group ticketed by police for traffic violations, parents have good cause to feel anxious. Although the thought of a teen driver navigating the roadways alone can be worrisome for most parents, many have turned to technology to ease the stress. Spotted Anywhere GPS tracking systems allow parents to be proactive in modifying and shaping the driving behaviors of their teen, and actually helps build trust between parent and teen. With a GPS tracking system validating a teen is exhibiting responsible and cautious driving behaviors, many parents allow the teen to have MORE freedoms. Having the ability to always know where your teen is and has been provides a parent with assurance, security, and relief.

Negative Influences On Teen Driving


  • 1 out of 5 teenagers expressed that they think driving fast is fun.
  • 1 out of 4 teen drivers, who also identified themselves as aggressive drivers, stated that they have drove 20 mph over the speed limit more than once.
  • Over half of all teen drivers said they have exceeded the speed limit by over 10 mph more than once.

Peer Pressure:

  • Almost half of all teens stated that they drive more carefully when other teen passengers are not present in the vehicle.
  • Less than half of the teens said they would speak up if a driver were speeding or driving in a scary manner.
  • Almost 70% of teens said they felt unsafe when someone else was driving.

Cellular Phones:

  • Almost 100% of teens expressed that they received or sent a text message while driving.
  • More than half of all teens stated that they talk on the phone while they drive.
  • A driver speaking on the phone while driving is twice as likely to be involved in a traffic accident than someone not speaking on a phone.

Positive Influences On Teen Driving

GPS Tracking Systems:

  • GPS tracking systems can send parents alerts via email or cell phone if a teen driver is driving at unsafe speeds.
  • GPS tracking systems always keep parents "in the know".
  • GPS tracking systems give parents peace-of-mind and teens additional freedom.
  • Many insurance companies give discounts to drivers with GPS tracking systems.


  • Most drunk drivers are on the road from 10:00 p.m.-4:00 a.m.
  • Almost half of all teen automobile deaths occur between the hours of 9:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m.

Seat Belts:

  • Teens use seat belts less than any other age group.
  • A person wearing a seat belt is almost 50% less likely to be killed in an automobile accident.
*Data was collected from Allstate Foundation for teen safe driving.

How A GPS Tracking System Can Help

GPS tracking systems can act as effective preventative mechanisms for many forms of negative driving behavior. Another positive impact that comes from using a GPS tracking system is additional freedoms and lowered insurance rates for many teen drivers. When a teen driver receives additional freedom and parents receive the peace of knowing their teen is safe everybody wins.

When a teen knows that a GPS tracker is monitoring their every move they begin to drive more safely and build a foundation of safe driving habits that will last a lifetime!